Phi Kappa Psi 2021-2022 Guidelines


The following are the key points from the guideline detailed below.  These guidelines are currently in effect and will continue into the 2021-2022 academic term, and are subject to change at any time as conditions and governmental/university guidelines dictate.  These guidelines apply to all Chapter-owned property.  Phi Kappa Psi (“Phi Psi”) does not rent or lease any outside properties.  All dues paying members only live in chapter-owned property (“Chapter House” and “Nelson House”).

  • Phi Psi will ALWAYS stay in compliance with State of Washington, King County and UW protocols regarding Covid-19. In addition, Phi Psi is in compliance with policies implemented by its National Headquarters and its insurance providers.

  • Recruiting: In-person recruiting is only permitted if allowed by the UW IFC. It currently is allowed.

  • Cleaning: Every resident's responsibility.


Guideline Details

The authority and Covid supervisor in both the Chapter House and the Nelson House is the Chapter President – Grant Conrad.  The overall Chapter and House Corporation authority is the House Corporation President – Matt Anglin.  It is their joint responsibility to ensure every member is aware of and adheres to this plan.  Grant will be the in-house monitor and enforcer of this plan. 


The names of all the members who will be living in the Chapter House and the Nelson House, and their designated living spaces, will be finalized prior to the beginning of the school year.  A list as known at the time will be provided to the IFC or UW as requested.   


Keeping the House Clean and Safe


Our number one priority is keeping the properties clean, sanitized and safe for everyone living in both properties. All members are required to perform daily tasks to keep the houses clean and sanitized.  The House Manager committee will create a task list and ensure these tasks are performed, including wiping down and sanitizing high contact areas and surfaces/touch points every day (emphasizing common spaces/area such as bathrooms, doorknobs, kitchen/dining room). 


The extensive list of duties and responsibilities for all new and returning members will be detailed once the final number of tenants is known, and will list the number of members who will be designated to each specific duty and the responsibilities that come with that duty. We will be paying close attention to the upkeep of each specific area and will double check and clean all areas every day of the week.  There will be daily checking of each duty by the Chapter President and the House Managers.  If a member is not able to perform his duty, and does not enlist a back-up, this will be considered a breach of contract. 


For meals we will be hiring the same meal preparation company as for the previous academic year.  Hand sanitizer will be available at all times in the kitchen and dining room and shall be used every time upon entry.  The dish washers will take extra care to promptly wash dishes after meals.  Single use dinnerware and utensils will also be available.   

 The House Corporation will continue to purchase and provide hand sanitizer, bleach, disinfectant, wipes, rags, and all other cleaning supplies.


Additional Items


Every member living in the Chapter House and the Nelson House will sign a Housing Contract and Code of Conduct.  These agreements provide details on the cost, responsibilities, obligations, and restrictions for residing in the properties, and sets forth a release of liability.  All lease and meal-plan monies will be due in full on the due date.


If anyone is feeling sick, then must report to Chapter leadership and immediately self-quarantine.